Little man's first spearfish with Dad

Little man's first spearfish with Dad

25 May 2022
Took James for his first spearfish on Saturday. Visibility was a milky 2-4m, but we saw some rays, banjo sharks, an assortment of dart, luderick, bream, morwong, flathead and eels. I came close to pulling the trigger on a Luderick, but it wasn't to be.
I didn't start spearfishing until I was almost 30 and after hearing Steven Rinella (MeatEater) say "I feel I have wasted my life now that I know what I know about spearfishing, and I suck at it. It's not my fault. It's where I was born. But now, I realise that's what I should've done with my life." I thought I owed it James to start teaching him from a young age.
Back at our villa that night James said to me "Dad I'm really glad you showed me all the different fish, but maybe next time don't point and just shot one" 😂😂😂
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